
Showing posts with the label dailydef

opulence 01/03/2017 Definition of the Day

opulence - #wealth as #evidenced by #sumptuous #living #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #opulence

sermon 01/02/2017 Definition of the Day

sermon - a #moralistic #rebuke #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #sermon

dacha 12/31/2016 Definition of the Day

dacha - #Russian #country #house #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #dacha

naphtha 12/30/2016 Definition of the Day

naphtha - any of various #volatile #flammable #liquid #hydrocarbon #mixtures ; used chiefly as #solvents #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #naphtha

rebuke 12/29/2016 Definition of the Day

rebuke - an act or #expression of #criticism and #censure #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #rebuke #JohnKerry

suspicious 12/28/2016 Definition of the Day

suspicious - #openly #distrustful and #unwilling to #confide #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #suspicious

mistletoe 12/27/2016 Definition of the Day

mistletoe - #American #plants closely resembling #OldWorld mistletoe #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #mistletoe

magnum opus 12/26/2016 Definition of the Day

magnum opus (a great work of art or literature #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #MagnumOpus

Merry Christmas! 12/25/2016 Definition of the Day

Christmas - #Christian #holiday celebrating the #birth of #Christ #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Christmas

Christendom 12/24/2016 Definition of the Day

Christendom - #collective #body of #Christians throughout the world and #history #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Christendom

holiday 12/23/2016 Definition of the Day

holiday - #day on which work is #suspended by #law or #custom #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #holiday

passenger 12/22/2016 Definition of the Day

passenger - #traveler riding in a #vehicle ( #boat #bus #car #plane #train ) who is not operating it #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #passenger

solstice 12/21/2016 Definition of the Day

solstice - 2 times a year when the sun is at its greatest #distance from #celestial #equator #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #solstice

surreal 12/21/2016 Definition of the Day

surreal - #characterized by #fantastic #imagery and #incongruous #juxtapositions #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #surreal

chimaera 12/192016 Definition of the Day

chimaera - #deepsea #fish with a #tapering #body #smooth #skin and long #threadlike #tail #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #chimaera

unpresidented 12/18/2016 Definition of the Day

unpresidented - a country having no president or not being cared for by a presidential surrogate #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #unpresidented

meddle 12/17/2016 Definition of the Day

meddle - #intrude in other people's #affairs or #business ; #interfere #unwantedly #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #meddle

emolument 12/16/2016 Definition of the Day

emolument - #compensation received by #virtue of holding an #office or having #employment #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #emolument

cadre 12/15/2016 Definition of the Day

cadre - #small #unit serving as part of or as the #nucleus of a larger #political #movement #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #cadre

featherweight 12/15/2016 Definition of the Day

featherweight - #amateur #boxer who #weighs no more than 126 #pounds #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #featherweight